Recommended Reading
A great source for obtaining information on Coca-Cola collectables is by joining the Club. There is a wealth of information within our Club and its members. Some of our members have written books, given seminars at conventions, and become friends that we may drop them a line, or give them a call if information is needed.
Some of the books that are available for information on the history and advertising of The Coca-Cola Company:
- Allan Petretti's Coca-Cola Collectibles Price Guide.
- Coca-Cola - A Collector's guide To New And Vintage Coca-Cola Memorabilia. By: Randy Schaeffer and Bill Bateman.
- The Coca-Cola Bottle - A History of Returnable Bottles in the United States and a Quick Reference Guide, Vol 1 and Vol 2. By: Doug McCoy
- Coca-Cola Price Guide. By: Helen & Al Wilson